Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The gift of a day...

Each morning that we awake is a beautiful gift from God.  As I look around this morning, I realize that there are so many things to be thankful for.  Material things, yes, but more importantly, things that touch my heart.  I love the way my children's hair looks when they crawl out of bed each morning.  I admire the way my husband so willingly gets up each day to go to work happily.  I can't say enough thank you's to God for the health He has blessed us all with.  The way the sun rises through the trees is so beautiful and peaceful.  I'm certain that the birds morning songs are God's special wake up call.  I just love the sound that carries through my backyard as they sing in unison. 

I ponder all of this this morning because I learned yesterday that a past neighbor of mine died yesterday of cervical cancer.  She was 40 with a 5th grader and a 9th grader.  I did not know her well, yet when I did see her she was always as friendly as could be.  I'm left thinking about this beautiful thing called life and what truly matters in our time God has given us to walk this journey.  My heart breaks as I consider the pain her sweet babies must be totured with.  A mama is supposed to be here to comfort her children through this type of pain.  Yet, they are left to grow without her. 

The question that fills my heart is what am I doing, what will I do, with this life of mine? Will I focus on me and my comforts, or will I focus on God's Kingdom?  It is so easy to get lost in the here and now and forget about the outside world.  Yes, we are to take care of our responsibilies, but I don't believe that we are to neglect to love outside of our box.

 As I have said before, I love music.  It often speaks to my soul and causes me to think and reflect.  The song "Live Like That" by Sidewalk Prophets does that very thing.  Here are a few lines from the song.  I hope it causes you to think about your life....

Sometimes I think
What will people say of me
When I'm only just a memory
When I'm home where my soul belongs

Was I love
When no one else would show up
Was I Jesus to the least of us
Was my worship more than just a song

I want to live like that
And give it all I have
So that everything I say and do
Points to you...

What will I do with this very wonderful blessing called life today?  What will you do?  Let us pray that we honor Jesus in all we say, do, and think.