Friday, November 14, 2014

Is it time to move on?

I am at a point in my life where I feel like things are sailing along smoothly. 

All of my children have started school successfully and have hit the ground running.  Our routines are set and we are immersed in them. 

Our marriage is on a mountain and there are no issues we are having to deal with. We are fully enjoying each other and look for those little moments where we can laugh and love.

My relationship with Jesus is great.  I feel connected to Him and strive to live daily to please Him.  I beg Him each morning to remove the mirror in my hand so that I can love on His world and His children.  Some days are harder than others, but I feel His loving hands guiding me.

I am stuck in my little cocoon of safe.  I have a set routine, a calendar, and to do lists.  Check, check, check!

Over the past week, I have quietly heard Jesus nudging me towards something new.  I can feel Him leading me to a new door that He wants me to open.  I can see the door and I have opened it just enough to get a glimpse of some things.  Truthfully though, I closed the door and stared at it from across the room.  I keep telling Jesus, "I'll get to it, really I will."

You see, when I open this door my life will change some.  My days will no longer be so routine.  My time will be used in a different way.  I will be opening myself up and that is scary.  I fear I am not capable to do what Jesus is nudging me to.  What if I fail or let Him down?

My heart knows that if Jesus is leading me to something, I must trust Him and be obedient.  He will not set me up for failure.  I keep hearing that stupid lie that I won't do it well and I may even fail.  Ugh!!  I have been volleying this back and forth in my mind.  "Step out!" I yell to myself.  "Wait, I'm not sure you're worthy to do this" the dumb thief tells me.

A few mornings ago during my quiet time, the Lord led me to a portion of Scripture that spoke so dearly to my heart. 

Deuteronomy 1:6,8 - You have stayed at this mountain long enough...See I have set the land before you.  Enter and take possession of the land the Lord swore to give your fathers-

Thank you Jesus.  I hear you and I am taking hold of that doorknob, opening it with a bang, and running in.  I know that You have set this before me because You trust me.  I know that You will guide me every step of the way.  I'm ready to stop listening to the lies and be 100% obedient.  You are my Rock and in You I trust.

Have you stayed at a mountain long enough?  Are you a little too comfortable in your life?  Do you feel the Lord nudging you towards something new for His glory? 

Step out in faith my friend.  Jesus has great things planned for His servants.  Oh the places we will go when we are obedient and full of trust.

My heart swells with love for all of you.  May we be obedient and faithful servants to our King!