Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Idolatry Cleanse

I have discovered that God is in control.

No newsflash, I know.  But for someone who likes order, schedules, and yes, control I have had to surrender to this fact and learn to be obedient with my trust.

Sound familiar?

I said I trusted God, but did I really?  I held my hands out to Him, but I kept a few fingers curled in holding onto what I thought I needed control of.

I held onto my kids too tightly.

I held onto my marriage too tightly.

I held onto my health too tightly.

I held onto my appearance too tightly.

I held onto my plans too tightly.

What's your list?  What are you holding too tightly to?

Here's the truth-
When we hold on too tightly to people, things, ideas, etc., we have created idols.  When we seek control, we have created an idol.  We are placing more trust in ourselves and our ability to control over trusting God and allowing Him to lead us.


I read the stories in the Bible of the people creating idols to worship and I think, "No way!  What were they thinking??  Who would idolize and worship a golden object?"

And then the Holy Spirit convicts me.  He shows me my golden objects.  They may not be literal golden objects, but I sure have made them golden in my life.  They are the shiny things that I devote more attention to than God.  They are the things that - dare I say - I worship.  That list I shared guessed it, my idols.

Idolatry - the religious worship of idols...excessive or blind adoration, reverence, devotion, etc. (

God warns us in Exodus about idolatry.  Let's see what He says.

Exodus 20:4-5
Do not make an idol for yourself, whether in the shape of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth.  You must not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.

One of the first words that pops out to me is the word "anything".  God leaves no room for question.  Anything, anywhere is off limits.  God is the only One we are to worship, glorify, bow down to, and devote our hearts to.  He makes Himself quite clear.  

Ever have to do this with someone?  You know they will ask a million and one questions so you lay out all possibilities and leave no wiggle room.  Yeah, that's what God did with us.  He knows we will justify and find loop holes.  By spelling out His command with great detail He stopped us in our tracks.  

God does not instruct us to avoid idol worship because He is insecure and needs our attention.  He is not power hungry and controlling.  Those things are not love.  God warns us against idolatry because He is fully aware what happens to our hearts when we are in the thick - or really even the thin - of it.  He knows when we are in idol worship, our hearts and minds are not filled with His precious peace.  We look to something or someone to bring us security and worth.  Those things never do.  I can promise you that.

So we read in God's words that we are not to have idols of any kind, but what can we do to protect our hearts and minds from developing and worshipping them? 

I have created a list to help us not be burdened with idols and live in freedom and joy.  

The Idolatry Cleanse

  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal idols you have created on a daily basis.
  2. Listen to the Holy Spirit and be receptive about what He tells you.  If you ask, He will answer but you must open your heart to hear Him.
  3. Foster an intimate relationship with Jesus.  The more you look to Him, talk to Him, and rely on Him, the less likely you are to look elsewhere.
  4. Renew your mind daily with Scripture reading.  
  5. Clean out your life - remove anything that leads you to idol worship.
To be most effective, this list must be done on a daily basis.  In order to recognize and combat idols, we must be intimately connected to Jesus.  To be intimately connected means to develop and pursue a relationship with Him. 

When are in deep communion with Jesus, our hearts long most for Him.  Let that be our goal...

May Jesus never say about us that we exchanged the truth of God for a lie , and worshiped and served something created instead of the Creator. (Romans 1:25)

Rather may He say well done, good and faithful servant! (Matthew 25:21)

Idolatry is an ugly that tries to suck us in with a mask of beauty.  Don't fall for it.  Gaze upon Jesus' beautiful face and be awed by Him in such a way that any hint of idolatry turns your stomach.  

We won't always be perfect with it, but we can always be faithful to the One who saves.