Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A New Focus

The last week of the year always causes me to evaluate what I did that year. 

What did I do to grow my marriage?
What things did I accomplish that honor God?
Was I a good mama? 
What areas need growth and attention as a parent?
Did His light shine from me even when I was feeling dark and ugly?
Was I a supportive friend?

As I look to 2015, I am grabbing on to a word and calling it mine.  This word will guide me and lead me in all that I do.

My word of focus is....

I want to live a purposeful life full of courage to live for Jesus.  I desire for all of my interactions to be full of Him.  I don't want to hide behind my Southern charm ( If you are from the south, you know what I mean.).  I want to speak His truths in love and full of courage.
I also want to encourage others to live courageously for Christ.  I want to cheer on my loves, friends, and strangers to not be afraid to live out loud and on fire.
Won't you join me??  Let's do this Jesus thing for real and out loud.  May we love without abandon and may we be truly free to share Him with those He created.
The Bible verse that will encourage and lead us will be:
Joshua 1:9
Haven't I commanded you:  be strong and courageous?  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
I am excited to share this journey with all of you!  Together, we can light fires and ignite hearts.