My girl's heart was bruised today. As her mama, I wanted to scoop her up and hide her from the pain. At first, I was angry. Don't hurt my baby, I thought. After a while, my heart began to bleed for her. I wanted so badly to take her heartache and make it my own. I wanted every last bit of it to leave her body and invade mine. Love is like that. I would push her out of the way and jump in front to get run over by the pain if I could.
As I was hurting for her, a friend of mine sent me a text and said she was praying for her. She wrote 2 Timothy 1:7 out for me to read....God did not give us a spirit of timidity but of power, love, and self discipline. I am so grateful to my Godly friend for reminding me what God has given my girl. The enemy tries to steal my girl's joy and self confidence, but God has gifted her with power. My baby has the God given power to hold her head up high and live as Christ intends, regardless of bruises. She can choose to wallow in her pain or pull herself up and persevere. As her mama, it is up to me to guide her on her paths. I choose to pull myself up and teach her to run her race of life with her head held high and her eyes on Jesus. I am grateful to my sweet friend for her prayers and her reminder of who we are in Christ.